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Letter: Cllr Parker Is Being Singled Out For Abuse

Published on: 28 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 28 Jan, 2017

Cllr Susan Parker

From Colin Cross

Lib Dem ward councillor for Lovelace

In response to the article: Council Leader Accuses GGG Leader of Being ‘A Disgrace’ During Wisley Debate

I found Cllr Spooner’s response, during the debate on whether the former Wisley airfield should be designated an Asset of Community Value, extraordinary. It was made so out of the blue and without any obvious provocation that it came across as having been previously rehearsed.

However, it is one of a string of fairly recent over the top reactions and direct threats at Cllr Parker’s very presence, let alone her comments. She is definitely being singled out for abuse. It has every appearance of institutionalised bullying by some in the Tory group.

Compare that to the wild remarks that Cllr Bilbe made which drew no criticism from the chairman, albeit they were very wide of the mark in terms of their accuracy.

Does it not seem that GBC’s Executive lives in a parallel universe to other councillors?
But let nobody expect an apology anytime soon.

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Responses to Letter: Cllr Parker Is Being Singled Out For Abuse

  1. Lisa Wright Reply

    January 28, 2017 at 7:45 pm

    Every time Cllr Parker is bullied in a public forum the electorate can see the untruths the Conservative Party candidates made at election time.

    It reminds me of the very ‘Conservative’ stance Matt Furniss took at the Wood Street SANG debate on Wednesday when he seemed to ignore all the problems with the planning application which 16 councillors then refused, leaving him rather ostracised.

    It seems to me that the Conservatives are now clutching at straws to defend their trajectory, getting angry and throwing toys from prams when the law does not fit.

    We are two years away from the next borough elections. Lets hope for more Susan Parkers, GGG and independent candidates and get some real local people defending our borough.

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