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Letter: Complaining Can Bring Results

Published on: 15 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 15 Jul, 2023

Horsley Road near M25 bridge. Google Street View

From: Valerie Thompson

I received the reply below,  from Surrey County Council after I had written the following statement regarding a stretch of the Horsley Road to Cobham, near the bridge which crosses the M25.

I wrote: “What idiocy to have recently resurfaced this road and failed to ascertain whether utilities might need to access it. There is a long stretch completely dug up to a deep level right across one carriageway and traffic lights. This utility company has dug up a newly resurfaced road and at 4.19 this afternoon NO ONE was working.

“Meanwhile, the road beside the Downside Junior School is still not resurfaced. Neither is the deep, axle-breaking undulation on Forest Road approaching Effingham Junction. You have now removed the warning sign which indicated an uneven road.”

SCC’s response:

I mail with further information with regard to the enquiry made by you in relation to works on Horsley Road.

Having reviewed the situation in depth I can advise that UK Power Networks, the company undertaking the excavation works, did not have permission to dig through a newly surfaced section of road. We are now in conversation with them regarding this and the standard to which the road needs to be returned.

They will be subject to a fine for undertaking this activity without permission.

So, sometimes a complaint has some good effect.

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Responses to Letter: Complaining Can Bring Results

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    July 15, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    Unfortunately, one letter does not show that the cavalry has arrived. Only time will tell if anything happens.

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