Fringe Box



Letter: Are Conservative Councillors Dissuaded From Writing to The Dragon?

Published on: 2 Apr, 2016
Updated on: 2 Apr, 2016

emails letterFrom Ben Paton

In response to the opinion piece: The Dragon Says: Readers Have A Right To Comment, The Dragon Is Right To Scrutinise.

If the Conservative Executive thinks that the comments in The Dragon are ‘unbalanced’ then is it not at least in part responsible?

Is it not the case that Conservative councillors are prevented from commenting in The Dragon? What about ‘openness’ and ‘transparency’?

When we have enquired about this and reports that council employees have been discouraged from reading The Dragon we have been told it is not the case.
Anyway, we remain open to comments expressing all points of view and would remind readers that comments do not represent any editorial line, or the views of those who write for The Dragon. Ed

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