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Letter: Could the Borough Council Be Lobbied to Introduce a Height Restriction?

Published on: 29 Aug, 2022
Updated on: 29 Aug, 2022

The model of the North Street proposal.

From: Jane Hepburn

In response to: In My Heart I Knew It Was a Forlorn Hope

This is a brilliant opinion piece from Martin Giles.

It is not too late for a concerted campaign from The Dragon. Please do something in your capacity as a significant voice in our community.

I’m sure the Dragon editor will remember the campaign to save Rodborough Buildings. I know we’re not saving a building in this case but there is so much else to be saved.

Could the council not somehow be lobbied to introduce a height restriction? Could Matthew Alexander not be co-opted somehow to advise at least on building materials and shape?

How can someone involved in the design not have heard of Bargate Stone? It’s outrageous that someone like that could have the future of our historic town in their hands.

This is not a development in one of the more recent suburbs of the town, it’s right in the centre of our priceless heritage.

Could Angela Richardson [Guildford MP] not somehow be drafted in? There must be sympathetic members of the council; how can they just stand helplessly by and say it’s out of their hands?

We voted for them. They are servants of the borough. You have noticed anomalies in their interpretation of the survey. They must be held to account.

Could this not be something that The Dragon takes up?

Editor’s response: The small team of volunteers that produce The Dragon would simply not have the time to organise a campaign. We have insufficient resource to publish all Guildford’s news as it is.

But we will continue to report on Guildford planning and publish views from all sides of the debate.

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