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Letter: Councillors Asked To Be Approved As GBC Representatives

Published on: 17 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 19 Jul, 2015

assembly committeeFrom Matt Furniss

Conservative borough councillor for Christchurch and Conservative group spokesperson

This letter is in response to the letter: Councillor Was Unaware She Had Been Nominated For Community Centre Committee

Following the election, all three Westborough councillors put themselves forward for membership of the Westborough Residents’ Association*.

GBC [Guildford Borough Council] approached the residents’ association to increase the number of appointments from two to three allowing all councillors to be appointed.

This was refused by the residents’ association.

Having won two of the three seats in Westborough and therefore the majority in the election, it was felt that both Conservative Councillors should be put forward and were approved.

I cannot comment on Julia’s personal views but both Liz Hooper and Shelia Kirkland asked to be approved for this appointment at every stage. We just hadn’t confirmed to all appointments who were absent at the full council meeting.

*In fact, the election was for GBC representatives for the Park Barn Community Centre management committee. Ed

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Responses to Letter: Councillors Asked To Be Approved As GBC Representatives

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    July 17, 2015 at 1:51 pm

    It is a poor show that Cllr Furniss did not even know the name of the committee from which Cllr McShane was elbowed out of contention.

    As I have said before, Cllr McShane should have been the obvious choice because of her close local connections and the strong local support she has.

  2. Caroline Reeves Reply

    July 18, 2015 at 9:49 am

    As part of the discussions I had with the Conservative Executive about the nominations for the appointment to external organisations, I argued that if the Park Barn Community Centre management committee had no desire to have all three councillors nominated, then at least one of the two nominees should actually live in the ward.

    Julia McShane has been a big part of her community for many years, and that surely must be more important than scoring political points?

  3. Bernard Parke Reply

    July 18, 2015 at 11:34 am

    Perhaps in view of the above comment one of the other two nominated Tory councillors should consider their position and give way to the experienced local resident who by her track record has more than proved her value in the community in which she lives.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      July 19, 2015 at 9:09 am

      I totally agree with Bernard Parke.

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