Fringe Box



Letter: Cuts to Wildlife Rangers Could Cause Irreversible Damage

Published on: 25 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 25 Jan, 2017

From Julian Walker CB

The petition that is currently running correctly focuses on the loss of jobs for Wildlife Rangers.  It does, however, expose the council’s preparedness to jeopardise its care of the countryside which is fundamental to the character of Surrey and the long-term survival of its biodiversity.

Some years ago Surrey contracted (on repayment) its obligation for that care to Surrey Wildlife Trust. One presumes that, at that time, this transfer was financially beneficial to the county.

Now it seems they are prepared to renege on the deal and by eliminating the possibility of there being dedicated rangers for the key sites are seriously increasing the risk to those sites and our biodiversity in general.

I realise that finances are tight, but some cuts, like these, have the potential to allow irreversible damage.

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