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Letter: Cyclists Not Wearing Helmets Is Not Our Biggest Problem

Published on: 20 Feb, 2022
Updated on: 20 Feb, 2022

From: A Harris

In response to: Cyclists Should Respect Fellow Road Users and Pedestrians

How sad that, in the week where yet another person has been killed and two seriously injured on Guildford’s streets by or in cars, someone has the time only to moan that they saw a cyclist carrying an umbrella, and not wearing a helmet, neither of which breaches any law.

Perhaps more mental energy should be directed at asking why the provision for sustainable transport in Guildford is still so poor.

Walnut Tree Close is an absolutely prime example, the road surface is atrocious for cycling, there are no cycle lanes of any sort, despite it being the main route to the university and the council-backed explosion of student accommodation in the road and the towpath closure, for over 10 months, while the new bridge fiasco rolled on and on.

Guildford has some of the worst motor vehicle pollution levels in the land which are getting worse and worse, and all some people can do is worry that people aren’t voluntarily wearing an entirely optional cycling helmet.

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Responses to Letter: Cyclists Not Wearing Helmets Is Not Our Biggest Problem

  1. Jeremy Holt Reply

    February 20, 2022 at 12:50 pm

    I suggest the writer reviews:

    Helmets rule 59.

    Umbrella rule 66.

    Editor’s note: There’s no law which compels cyclists of any age to wear a helmet. But the Highway Code suggests all cyclists wear a safe and well-fitting helmet regardless of what the laws states.

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