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Letter: Damaging Protected Stoke Park Trees Is A ‘Serious Situation’

Published on: 10 Oct, 2021
Updated on: 10 Oct, 2021

From Ramsey Nagaty

Leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG) and borough councillor for Shalford

GGG have a history of working to protect native trees. I have investigated the situation [in Stoke Park] and asked council officers questions relating to this serious situation.

Damaged oak trees at the Guilden Village student accommodation.

The matter is currently a criminal investigation so it would not be appropriate for officers to comment on the details.

I understand Guildford Borough Council’s [GBC} planning committee refused this application but the applicant won permission on appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

I understand that GBC leader, Joss Bigmore, along with the tree officers and GBC parks team are frustrated and angry this situation has occurred and would save the trees if possible.

If not, I am assured whatever the situation, GBC would look to plant mature trees as opposed to saplings. Naturally GBC not only as regulator but also land owner have to consider the safety of users of Stoke Park.

I have been assured councillors will be kept informed.

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