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Letter: Doesn’t Government Announcement Mean Development Should Be Curbed?

Published on: 6 Feb, 2023
Updated on: 7 Feb, 2023

From: Jules Cranwell

So the government has announced that it will put protection of the environment and wildlife at the heart of all policy making.

Surely this will sound the death knell for development on former greenbelt sites, including Wisley, Blackwell Farm and Gosden Hill.

It also means that GBC now has the clear opportunity to tear up the deeply flawed Local Plan and restore green belt status to our 14 villages.

Isn’t it beyond time that we had some comment on the Local Plan status from the council leader, Julia McShane [Lib Dem, Westborough]?

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Responses to Letter: Doesn’t Government Announcement Mean Development Should Be Curbed?

  1. George Potter Reply

    February 6, 2023 at 10:25 pm

    I will just repeat what every right-thinking person knows by now: just because a government minister announces something does not mean it is magically enforceable, nor does it guarantee that it will ever happen.

    My source for the above? Every single government planning announcement from the past decade.

    George Potter is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham

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