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Letter: Doesn’t the County Council Have a Duty to Clean Roadsigns?

Published on: 10 Oct, 2023
Updated on: 10 Oct, 2023

From: Lorimer Burn

I drove from Dorking to Guildford on the A25 last night (Tuesday, October 3) and was astonished by the number of central-lighted traffic bollards that were unlit, and super-reflective bollards which were so dirty they could barely be seen.

Similarly, speed signs and repeater speed signs are often so dirty they are hardly visible in the dark. This is both dangerous and unhelpful to motorists.

Doesn’t Surrey County Council have a statutory duty to maintain road signs? Clearly, there has been no servicing or cleaning of these essential signs undertaken for many months.

Editor’s comment: This letter will be forwarded to SCC for a response.

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Responses to Letter: Doesn’t the County Council Have a Duty to Clean Roadsigns?

  1. Michael Brown Reply

    October 11, 2023 at 2:06 pm

    Many road direction signs are obscured by overhanging trees. You only see them in time to follow the sign if you are brought to a grinding halt or really slowed down by roadworks or traffic congestion.
    It is not clear which council -Surrey or Guildford / Waverley- is responsible for trimming the branches. Could one or both of them get on with the job before one vehicle runs into the one in front because they can’t see where to turn off ?
    Doubtless many Dragon readers can alert our residents to invisible road signs

  2. Fiona Yeomans Reply

    October 11, 2023 at 9:41 pm

    Agreed! Likewise to prune back overhanging foliage, which frequently badly obscures signs, particularly those with key information about directions/road numbers. It’s dangerously distracting to have to peer at these trying to make out the details.

  3. J Sinclair Reply

    October 12, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    Roadworks traffic lights up days before and days after any work actually taking place is the norm in Surrey now, as are appalling quality repairs. SCC roads Dept is totally unfit for purpose, and have been for years.

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