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Letter: Don’t Be So Selfish With All That Water!

Published on: 15 Feb, 2014
Updated on: 15 Feb, 2014

From Aubrey Leahy in Southern California

I would like to berate the citizens of Guildford on an incredibly selfish attitude this winter.

california-state-flagWhen I was a boy in Guildford there was much more a spirit of sharing all things. I notice the constant articles about the amount of rain this winter and am dismayed to learn they are keeping all the rain to themselves!

Whereas I, living in Joshua Tree, Southern California, am having to endure 80 degree weather and constant daily sunshine. And suffering the effects of a five-year drought.

So stop hoarding and being selfish. Please send a little of your excess moisture this way. Thank you.

PS: first almond blossoms arrived this week. spring is here!

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Responses to Letter: Don’t Be So Selfish With All That Water!

  1. Aubrey Leahy Reply

    March 1, 2014 at 1:14 pm

    Not really a comment but a thank you note. Here in California we have had 0.72 of an inch of rain in the past 24 hours. Most in one day for almost three years. And your River Wey flood levels are now dropping. Coincidence? I think not. Thank you Guildford.

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