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Letter: Drop in Required Planning Objections Allows Unfair Advantage

Published on: 29 Apr, 2021
Updated on: 29 Apr, 2021

From Sue Reeve

In response to Backlog Of Planning Applications Doubles At GBC.

I hope this situation doesn’t cause planning applications to go through without thorough process.

What I can’t understand is that unless you are prepared to constantly check the applications list, neighbours who may be severely affected by a proposed development, frequently don’t even know an application is made and find out only after planning permission is granted, too late to object.

In my experience, those in surrounding properties are not informed unless you are directly next to a site, which is not good.

I also feel the requirement for 20 objections to be received, rather than the earlier 10, before an application is called to the Planning Committee gives a very unfair advantage to the applicant, especially when information about a planning application is so narrowly circulated.

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Responses to Letter: Drop in Required Planning Objections Allows Unfair Advantage

  1. Michael Aaronson Reply

    May 1, 2021 at 2:39 pm

    It’s very easy to set up alerts in order to receive details of planning applications of particular interest. There is a guide on the website of the Normandy Action Group

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