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Letter: Dutch Cycling Is Different

Published on: 27 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 27 Feb, 2024

Boxgrove Road Roundabout

From: Ben Paton

In response to: Two-thirds of London Road Cycle Scheme Deferred or Cancelled

The news report states that SCC will likely proceed with ‘Section 2’, which is the Boxgrove Roundabout that is sandwiched between Section 1  (the stretch from the A3, Sainsburys, Aldi, etc and Section 3, the stretch along Stoke Park.

So what is the plot for the roundabout?  It is a crossroads where two A roads cross each other: the A25 and A3100 (London Road). It is a very high traffic-flow, high-risk location.

Is SCC is proposing to proceed with the very expensive proposal for a ‘Dutch roundabout’?

Map showing sections of the London Road scheme Apple maps

There is only one other “Dutch roundabout” in the country it seems. It is near Cambridge. Has it been a success? This Youtube video: The UK’s First Dutch Style Roundabout – Is it Any Good… Maybe… provides information and is worth watching.

Cycling in Holland is not a good analogue for cycling in England. In Holland, there are thousands of miles of dedicated cycle paths. In England, there are very, very few.

A Dutch roundabout without connecting dedicated cycle paths or traffic lights is as likely to create confusion as to assist cyclists. Surely it would be better to ‘put a toe in the water to test the product’. Going for the full Dutch roundabout option seems a bit like diving into the pool without considering how deep the water may be.

Of course, more must be done to assist cyclists. But this lack of “joined-up thinking” is not the answer.

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Responses to Letter: Dutch Cycling Is Different

  1. Helen Skinner Reply

    March 24, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    Couldn’t agree more. I welcome the changes to the roundabout but whether it’s Dutch style or continuous paths is a bit of a moot point when we are talking about an isolated roundabout.

    In order for this to be of any use something needs to be done about the rest of London Road and ideally Boxgrove Road too. We might be 50 years behind the Netherlands when it comes to cycle paths but I don’t think it’s too late to catch up.

    They had similar issues when mum’s said enough was enough (for those that don’t know, in the 70’s Dutch mother’s staged sit ins on the streets – there are days I’m sorely tempted) and they overcame them.

    I would hope that we British can be as inventive and creative so we can also overcome our problems and give our children back their freedoms to get around safely.

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