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Letter: Elected People Must Show That They Are Part of the Solution

Published on: 13 May, 2024
Updated on: 13 May, 2024

From: Bernard Quoroll

In response to: Council Leader Apologises Following Publication of Damning Report on GBC

I think it is important to say that Guildford’s problems have many deep roots which have been growing over quite a long period to produce this perfect storm. There may be more to come. It is of course necessary for us to show some anger but the solutions will not come from simplistic responses.

I offer no comment on whether the current council leader, who has found herself at a tipping point, should resign. Enough people are doing that already. I am saying that Guildford needs to see strong, visible leadership over time from its new chief executive, supported by members of all parties, working together to understand their respective responsibility for this car crash and what now needs to be done to put it right.

Name-calling in the hope of replacing one party by another will not solve Guildford’s problems, nor will witch hunts or blaming the joint arrangement with Waverley, even though I agree that joint management can only be a short-term solution.

Guildford needs to reinvent itself thoughtfully from the ground up. It will not do that amidst a welter of complaints, without some understanding that rebuilding its values and competencies has no quick fix.

Guildford still has enormous potential as a place to live. It will not realise it unless elected people show that they are part of the solution, not just a continuing part of the problem.

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