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Letter: Enough is Enough of This Regressive Council Tax

Published on: 19 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 19 Mar, 2017

From Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

The time has surely come to finance local government with a system in keeping with the 21st century.

Council tax is a regressive tax. It takes no consideration of the taxpayer’s ability to pay. This is particularly hard on those living on state pensions and others on fixed incomes.

And it is a tax based on out of date valuations which are only of historic interest. There is a need now for further bands at the higher end of the scale, but I doubt if this will be accepted by the government as it will not win many votes from those living in the more expensive properties.

The number of properties, many occupied by students, which are exempt from council tax, according to a figure given by the borough council late last year, has risen to 1,600. This is a considerable financial burden to be borne by the council tax payers of Guildford.

Enough is enough. This injustice should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

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Responses to Letter: Enough is Enough of This Regressive Council Tax

  1. A Tatlow Reply

    March 19, 2017 at 5:40 pm

    Thank you – well put.

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