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Letter: Expansion of ULEZ Was Required by the Conservative Transport Minister in 2020

Published on: 1 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 1 Aug, 2023

From: Martin Elliott

In response to: Lib Dem and Tory Hopefuls Condemn ULEZ Decision

People keep reporting that ULEZ Expansion is a policy of Labour’s London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Actually, it was a condition of the 2020 Emergency Financial Settlement from Conservative minister Grant Shapps.

I wonder why the Conservatives and media don’t acknowledge that it may have been a London Mayor plan, but HMG imposed it upon him to achieve it.

So which party and candidates can you believe actually consider all the benefits and drawbacks for all road users and residents and visitors in a proportional and balanced way?

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Responses to Letter: Expansion of ULEZ Was Required by the Conservative Transport Minister in 2020

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    August 1, 2023 at 7:30 pm

    The optimal word is proposal not Implicate!

    In any respect World globalisation document action indicates road charging in London within three years

  2. Olly Azad Reply

    August 4, 2023 at 3:01 am

    This is all very good but past is past and what matters now is far more important. The fact of the matter is that the current Labour backed Mayor for London, Sadiq Khan is at the helm and is insistent pushing forward this highly unpopular ULEZ on Londoners whether they like it or not?

    I think the people in Uxbridge in the recent by-election have made it abundantly clear to Mr Khan that ULEZ is not welcomed in there neck of the woods, whether its Conservative or Labour,and who could blame them with the thought of that daily £12.50 charge.

    If I was living in London I would happily join any rally to stop this absurd policy. Frankly, I see not difference between ULEZ and the Poll Tax at offending law abiding people.

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