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Letter: Those Who Fight On Our Behalf At SCC Deserve Our Support

Published on: 19 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 19 Mar, 2017

SCC sign Surrey County Council

From Peta Malthouse

In response to: The County Council Needs Fairer Funding To Carry Out Its Responsibilities.

When I read of the “shenanegans” that the leader of Surrey County Council (SCC) had got up to I was not one who was concerned about cronyism because, as one of Cllr Witham’s voters, I was very aware of the spending plans of the county council and the efforts they had made to retain service levels within a cost we the taxpayer could meet.

I was also very aware of the government’s policy of gradual removal of the Rate Support Grant. I admire Cllr Witham. I am not a natural Tory voter but he has my vote every time because he is unstinting in his efforts to represent us and get us the right result. He also knows what he is talking about.

This government, unfortunately, is wedded to the idea that they have to cut government funding and that means they intend to tax us by the back door. They have sought in the last 12 months to reduce the legal obligations given to the county council to protect children who have been living in their care and lost – but they reduce budgets all the same.

So I know that the leader of the council, David Hodges, and Cllr Witham are doing their very skillful best on our behalf and that it is Theresa May’s Westminster government who need to sit up and take notice.

When we read about the next efforts of our county councillors we should not knock them down but stand with them and make representations to the lord chancellor and the prime minister because it is in their hands that lies the answer to the problem.

If it helps, I would have found the additional 10% because I know what stress these services, that give the health and educational benefits we have all enjoyed, and those who fight for them are under. They need our help and support now and we should not let them down.

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Responses to Letter: Those Who Fight On Our Behalf At SCC Deserve Our Support

  1. Gina Redpath Reply

    March 20, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    It is so refreshing to read something positive about our council. I must say Mark Brett-Warburton has done sterling work in our part of Guildford, he is dedicated to his role as county councillor and in touch with the community.

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