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Letter: GBC Should Demand More from Developers

Published on: 13 Sep, 2022
Updated on: 15 Sep, 2022

From: Guy Murray

In response to: ‘Urban Housing Estate at Heart of a Surrey Village’ Approved

It’s very sad that the Taylor Wimpey planning application for 110 homes in West Horsley was approved despite so many contradictions with the East Horsley Neighbourhood Plan. Council officers appear to be well primed to shoot down anyone that tries to address such matters.

It was great to hear Cllr Ramsey Nagaty [GGG, Shalford] address the climate change issue. Guildford Borough Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and yet they are happy to approve new planning applications that include gas-fired boilers because National Legislation doesn’t require them to be excluded.

GBC evidently does not have the gumption to stick its head out and demand more from developers. The GBC climate emergency declaration appears to be merely a formality with little action being taken.

It is my opinion that they should redact their statement from 2019 concerning their climate emergency declaration. I can’t see how putting a fence up will stop cats disturbing the ecosystem of the ancient woodland, or the impending pollution that will arise from the development. Such a shame.

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Responses to Letter: GBC Should Demand More from Developers

  1. Ramsey Nagaty Reply

    September 15, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    A climate change emergency was declared by GBC however scant weight is attached to the important policies which could help in achieving zero carbon and reducing climate change impact.

    On other points, I tend to agree with his overall view. We need action to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    By the way, I am a GGG councillor not R4GV!

    Ramsey Nagaty is the GGG borough councillor for Shalford.

    Editor’s response: Apologies my error. Now corrected.

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