Fringe Box



Letter: Ginger the Cat Has Been Found

Published on: 3 Dec, 2016
Updated on: 4 Dec, 2016
Do you know the whereabouts of Ginger the cat?

Ginger the cat – now found

Barbara Hart

Ginger the cat has now been reunited with his owners. Thanks.

Ed: The cat was found in a field in Worplesdon by a farmer. He contacted the RSPCA who took Ginger to the Alder Veterinary Practice in Stoughton. As the cat was microchipped he was soon reunited with his owners Mike and Penny Ellis. Ginger was somewhat dehydrated and flee-ridden, but otherwise unharmed. CCTV footage showing Ginger being held by one of the pair who took him has been offered to the police in the hope that officers will continue their investigations.

See: Update: Ginger the Cat Still Not Found – But Bus Clue Has Drawn A Blank

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Responses to Letter: Ginger the Cat Has Been Found

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    December 3, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    Even though I’m most certainly not a “cat person”, I’m very glad that he’s back home with his family. I sincerely hope that the low-lifes (I can’t use the word I’d like to) that kidnapped him are caught and punished severely.

  2. C Barker Reply

    December 3, 2016 at 7:24 pm

    What a fantastic result, home for Christmas, those responsible should they be ashamed.

  3. Michael Flowers Reply

    December 5, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    Great news.

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