Fringe Box



Letter: Guildford Lions Thank Public For Supporting Fireworks Fiesta

Published on: 13 Nov, 2014
Updated on: 13 Nov, 2014

From Barry Jutsum, president Guildford Lions Club

Once again on a perfect November 5th evening, thousands joined the torchlight procession from the High Street to Stoke Park to join a huge crowd, estimated at approx. 20,000, for our annual Guildford Lions Fireworks Fiesta.

The vast crowd enjoyed a spectacular display which culminated in a magnificent finale funded by local IT company Memset Ltd.

P1040846Guildford Lions organise the evening as a free to enter charity/community event relying on local sponsorship and public donations. Whilst the monies raised are still being counted we are confident a substantial donation will be made to two local charities (Oakleaf a mental health charity and Guildford Action supporting homeless people) as well as Guildford Lions Club’s own welfare fund.

Guildford Lions would like to thank the public for their generous donations and all of our corporate supporters for their invaluable support without whom this free to enter event could not go ahead.

Our supporters for this event are: Lloyds Bank Plc, Memset Ltd, Ewbank Ltd, Eagle Radio, the Surrey Advertiser, Guildford Borough Council and Fidelis Security.

Full details of the event and the final result can be found at

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