Fringe Box



Letter: Guildford – Not for the Incontinent

Published on: 25 Jan, 2022
Updated on: 25 Jan, 2022

Tunsgate public toilets

From Dave Roberts

In response to: We Need More Public Lavatories Not Fewer

“Dover for the continent, Eastbourne for the incontinent”, goes the adage. Perhaps that should be Guildford, not Dover, especially as we are still waiting for toilets on the increasingly slow Guildford via Cobham train service. This is something that strikes visitors from elsewhere as unspeakably primitive.

Closing municipal loos does seem a remarkably short-sighted way to save a bit of money. Another example of the “death of the commons”, the shrinkage of public space and the privatisation, commercialisation and commoditisation of everything.

Demographics suggest they will very soon have to be re-opened again, at great expense, in response to an ageing population (see

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