In response to: Second Investigation into Wisley Bid Reveals More of Developer/ GBC Relationship
I am confident that I shall be accused by those with a vested interest in keeping matters of public interest, at Guildford Borough Council, under wraps and of flogging a dead horse.
Nonetheless, once again, the council taxpayers are being held in contempt.
It may be that the matters referred to in the second investigation can be laid at the door of the previous elected administration but it seems to me that it is possible for the current elected representatives, in an open and transparent way, to publish a report setting out the council’s involvement and what lessons can be learned from any errors of judgement that may have occurred by too close a relationship with developers.
Or have they fallen under the thrall of those who would prefer to continue to operate in an opaque and thus comfortable way, without public accountability?
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
June 9, 2021 at 10:43 am
For any trying to assess new planning applications, one only has to look at multiple irrational and excessive redactions of any photograph on the latest file drop of Weyside Urban Village documents to realize it is in fact getting worse, not improving, with the new administration.