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Letter: Have Your Say on Local Bus Services

Published on: 6 Dec, 2022
Updated on: 6 Dec, 2022

From: J Austin

Whilst waiting for a bus today at Guildford Bus Station I noticed the attached poster from Surrey County Council inviting views on their ideas for changing the local bus services.

I thought your readers might like to chip in with their views:

My idea to speed up the introduction of a fully integrated transport system for the country is to require all MPs to travel exclusively on public transport for a month.

Please see proposed changes, listed in the survey, to Guildford bus services below:

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Responses to Letter: Have Your Say on Local Bus Services

  1. Julian Sheppard Reply

    December 6, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    “Reduce”, “Withdraw”, “Reduce”, “Withdraw”…

    Is this how the county council thinks it will persuade the public to switch from cars to public transport?

    When you have waited for a bus service timetabled to be “every two hours” and the bus is cancelled, as is often occurring now, what are you supposed to do?

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