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Letter: I Am in My Eighties and For Progress in Effingham

Published on: 25 Apr, 2022
Updated on: 25 Apr, 2022

Artist impression of how extra houses in Effingham would look. Taken from planning application.

From: R Sands

In response to: I Hope Those Who Refused Permission for Howard School Sleep Soundly

I live above the area in question, near Beech Avenue and have, like many within these few square miles, reached a time in life when I need home help. My carers both travel miles due to a lack of affordable housing. But travel they do; for which I am most grateful.

I totally agree with N Neville’s viewpoint and would add that along with a new school the extra housing would bring many advantages. We cannot live in denial of the fact that for reasons, only too clear in Ukraine and elsewhere, the UK population has increased, so we have to accept change; that’s needful progress.

A “not in my back yard” attitude simply doesn’t ring true and is unfair.

I understand the environmental concerns but the area of the common is large enough to accommodate the change. It is indeed a small parcel of land (not the demise of the green belt) and words like “destruction”, as in previous comments, are too direful to describe what will be of great benefit to the community.

We who are in the later stages of our lives must allow some thought for those that provide for us and those who follow. If that means providing for their families’ schooling then so be it. I would not stand in the way of the next generation’s progress for the sake of a hundred houses which would include appropriately affordable dwellings.

Like us the new owners will adapt and learn. Hopefully, through a new technically advanced school.

I am in my eighties and I am for progress.

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