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Letter: I Do Not Believe Thames Water’s Position on the Water Supply Problem

Published on: 6 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 6 Nov, 2023

From: Ross Connell

In response to: Guildford’s Water Supply Should ‘Gradually Return’ to Normal Over Next 24 hrs

I thought it was my imagination that water pressure was dropping last week. It is also my recollection that this water treatment plant has had past problems resulting in reduced water pressure.

To blame the current problem on the recent storm and excess rain seems odd with reservoir content being reduced.

I do not believe Thames Water’s position on this matter. SCC and GBC should press for any independent inquiry via DEFRA to get to the truth on this matter.

Editor’s response: You are correct that there have been similar problems in the past, both within the last 12 months (see: Low Water Pressure Reported in Guildford) and in November 2022 (see: Thames Water to ‘Work Through the Night’ to Fix Guildford’s Water Supply).

We have asked Thames Water to specify the damage caused by Storm Ciaran that they have said led to the current problem.

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