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Letter: I Fear That Plan For Stoke Park Is One To Make Money

Published on: 22 Mar, 2015
Updated on: 22 Mar, 2015

From Kelly-Marie Blundell
Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Guildford

emails letterI cannot be the only person who is baffled by the idea of ‘modernising’, ‘revamping’ or bringing Stoke Park ‘into the 21st century’.

Let’s be clear, a park is a park. It has grass. It has trees. It has walkways and ornamental gardens and a wonderful rich history as a beautiful location in Guildford that we all uphold.

But this beautiful pastoral scene that is iconic in our town is not going to be improved by a visitor centre. I am also dubious, when we have seen year on year a rise of council tax in a time of austerity, as to the cost of such proposals.

The very idea of ‘modernising’ a park is strange in itself. It appears to me that there is a drive to make as much money out of Guildford public spaces as possible, and I have concerns we will turn Stoke Park, a harmonious green space, into a money-making machine with people being shipped in and out, and lose the essence of this peaceful place in the process.

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Responses to Letter: I Fear That Plan For Stoke Park Is One To Make Money

  1. Alan Cooper Reply

    March 22, 2015 at 1:07 am

    Obviously getting close to election time. Sorry won’t work!

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    March 23, 2015 at 8:26 am

    Do we know how much they are spending?

    I’m more concerned by the GBC Tories’ vanity project to upgrade Millmead to the tune of £3.5 million.

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