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Letter: I Have Asked for More Signs to Warn of Impending Gyratory Road Works

Published on: 7 Aug, 2022
Updated on: 7 Aug, 2022

From: Angela Goodwin

Lib Dem county councillor for Guildford South West

Onslow Street and Park Street are well overdue to be resurfaced but finding the best time to do the works is never going to be easy as it is such a heavily used route around our town centre; scheduling them during the school holidays and overnight is the best option.

In addition to the couple of signs I have seen, I have asked Surrey Highways to increase the number of signs as a matter of urgency to raise awareness of these night works.

All councillors are notified as a matter of course, along with bus companies and emergency services. Personally, I have shared this information – and images of the diversion routes – on local Facebook community pages and ‘Nextdoor’ and would hope that other councillors would be doing the same in their areas to raise awareness.

I encourage drivers to allow extra time for their journeys whilst these works take place. I am really looking forward to seeing a better road surface!

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Responses to Letter: I Have Asked for More Signs to Warn of Impending Gyratory Road Works

  1. Daphne Robertson Reply

    August 9, 2022 at 4:25 pm

    Thank you Cllr Angela Goodwin for your very welcome advice over the Guildford Gyratory, also the considerable thought over the speed on the Hogsback and A31 into Guildford.

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