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Letter: I Have Made Up My Mind How I’m Voting

Published on: 3 May, 2015
Updated on: 3 May, 2015

RosettesFrom Chris Owen

I’ve wavered, but I’ve finally decided I’m voting Liberal Democrat in Guildford. I’ve usually voted Conservative, but the Lib Dems have always been there, working away. I see them working all year round, not just in the run up to an election.

Unlike Conservative councillors, they’ve been consistent in their messages, they don’t say one thing and do another. And without a balance in our council, how will we ever see everyone in Guildford looked after?

And nationally, we’re facing a huge election. It’s unlikely to be a majority. And the idea of a Conservative majority scares me.

Anne Milton might be nice, but her party will scrap the Human Rights Act, cut welfare and education, and refuse to protect the poorest in society, while giving tax cuts to the richest.

And more than that, I don’t want to see Sturgeon or Farage in the role of Deputy Prime Minister. We’ve seen that the coalition, grown up politics, works. Let’s stick with it and make sure we don’t face the brutal cuts the Tories are proposing if they do it alone.

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Responses to Letter: I Have Made Up My Mind How I’m Voting

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    May 4, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    So Mr Owen locally wants road building on the green belt and in the zone 3b Flood plain – as supported by the Liberal Democrat councillors of Guildford Borough, and their candidate for Parliament, despite the council being told ‘do not build on the flood plain’.

    I see that as a very poor choice.

  2. Stuart Barnes Reply

    May 5, 2015 at 8:52 am

    With views like those mentioned in his letter I find it surprising that Mr Owen ever voted Conservative prior to the takeover of the party by the ghastly Dave. It is difficult to see how much further left Dave could go without falling foul of the Trade Descriptions Act.

  3. Chris Owen Reply

    May 5, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    I’ve always been a Liberal Conservative.

    Since 2010, the Conservatives have lurched far too much to the right for my liking. Cameron’s just about ok, it’s the rest of his party I can’t stand.

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