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Letter: I Hope Tory Councillors Will Remember Manifesto Promises

Published on: 11 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 11 Aug, 2015
Some of the land that the Save Hogs Back Campaign petitioned to have removed from the Local Plan as a site for potential development.

Green belt land near Guildford.

From Bernard Parke

Hon alderman and former mayor

A report in The Times states that more than 1,000 new homes  a year are being built on the countryside.

More than half of that number in some area were built in the green belt. The report goes on to state that as much as 53% of that number were built within the Guildford area.

This is despite reported assurances given last month by David Cameron and George Osborne which read: “We will protect the green belt and make sure planning decisions are made by local people.”

Indeed the Conservative party promised protection of the green belt four times within its manifesto.

I hope our local elected representatives will bear this in mind and act accordingly.

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Responses to Letter: I Hope Tory Councillors Will Remember Manifesto Promises

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    August 16, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Many Conservative borough councillors gave clear pledges to protect the green belt. Were they just expedient promises in order to get elected?

    Do they intend to protect the green belt in their own local constituencies so that they can say they have fulfilled their individual promises to their own constituents whilst collectively promoting a Draft Local Plan which intends to ‘roll back’ the green belt?

    Does that not amount to saying one thing to get elected and then doing something fundamentally different?

  2. Bernard Parke Reply

    August 16, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    They also claimed that parking charges in Guildford town centre were frozen and that Council Tax had increased just £2 a year for the average household in a May election leaflet.

  3. Adrian Atkinson Reply

    August 16, 2015 at 9:12 pm


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