Fringe Box



Letter: I Urge Fenwick to Reconsider

Published on: 23 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 23 Nov, 2023

The house of Fraser store on Guildford High Street

From: Anna Windebank

In response to: Fenwick Reported to Have Pulled Out of Negotiation to Take Over House of Fraser Store

Guildford without a department store is unthinkable! What is going on in our town?

Beautiful shops closing left, right and centre. North Street has become an eye-sore: dirty, littered and down-at-heel.

There is an undeniable air of neglect and decay.

I agree with David Smith’s comment on the report, Canada Life needs to be forced to step up and take responsibility for the refurbishment of the old House of Fraser building.

Meanwhile, I urge Fenwick to reconsider.

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