Fringe Box



Letter: If St Edward’s Scheme Does Not Progress the North Street Site Might Remain Empty for Years

Published on: 10 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 10 Jul, 2023

Excerpt from the developer’s presentation showing how the proposals for the tallest building have changed.

From: Tony Rooth

Former Independent borough councillor

See: North Street – Approve ‘Smaller, Higher Quality Scheme’ and We Will Withdraw Appeal Says Developer

“St Edward’s webinar presentation North Street Regeneration, Guildford is worth watching. It covers the revised scheme overall, not only ” a new pocket park for the town” as in the heading.

Height, massing and design were among issues raised by residents on the previous application.  In fairness to the developers, their revised scheme reduces the highest building by two storeys, reduces the visual impact of the development and provides more open space.

However, St. Edward has to come forward with more acceptable social and affordable housing to meet the demands for housing in our town centre

The Planning Committee refused the original planning application,  principally on removing current access to the bus station and the effect of the proposals on bus services, traffic congestion, highways etc. Bus operators, bus users(including myself) and Surrey County Council Highways and Transport all strongly objected to the original bus station proposals

The revised configuration now includes a second bus entrance to increase capacity and reduce bus journey times.

North Street between Leapale Road and White Lion Walk will be pedestrianised without traffic (including buses). Buses (increasingly electric) will only operate outside the Friary Centre.

A new Friary “pocket park” adjoining the bus station provides public open space and is detailed here.

Developers on major sites will often run a revised application alongside a planning appeal.

The alternatives are St Edward could walk away or it could pursue its appeal against the previous refusal. If successful, they can still build out the less appropriate previous application inferior to the revised proposals set out in the webinar.

It is for residents to now comment and the GBC Planning Committee to decide. North Street clearly needs regeneration. St Edward’s revised scheme comes the nearest to a development which may be built. Otherwise, the site may well stay vacant for many years to come.

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