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Letter: In Practice the Lib Dems Have Not Protected the Green Belt

Published on: 29 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 29 Sep, 2023

From: Ben Paton

In response to: Lib Dems’ General Election Chances Depend on Their Wisley Stance

The Guildford Local Plan was well over 15 years in the making. Throughout that period the Lib Dems in Guildford were either in favour of it or were happy passengers on the Guildford Conservative bus. The Lib Dems co-created the Local Plan. Their leader voted for it and helped to make it law.

Despite being the largest political party represented on the Borough Council since 2019 they have not lifted a finger to reform, review or revise the plan. They now have complete control of the borough council. And still they are silent about it.

The Lib Dems have talked big when it suits them. They said they would build 3,000 additional council houses. They have said they will improve St Edward’s development scheme in North Street in Guildford.

For all their big talk, in practice how many council houses have they built? In practice, have they put in place any building height restrictions in Guildford? In practice, will they be able to make any material change to St Edward’s North Street development – that they previously claimed credit for?

With the plan for the former Wisley Airfield there’s no talk and no action. Their silence implies they are on the side of Taylor Wimpey and on the side of further desecration of Nature in the Borough.

In practice the Lib Dems have not protected the green belt or the people who live in it. In practice they are in favour of promoting an unsustainable “new town” in Wisley that boasts it will be the third largest settlement in the borough – despite the location having no jobs and no public transport.

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Responses to Letter: In Practice the Lib Dems Have Not Protected the Green Belt

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 29, 2023 at 11:17 am

    Sadly the wording of the NPPF states changes to green belt must be beyond the life of the plan so once removed rightly or wrongly it under present policy can NEVER be returned to Greenbelt!

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