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Letter: For Those Interested, I Shall Vote for Anne Milton

Published on: 30 May, 2017
Updated on: 30 May, 2017

From Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

A few weeks ago the leader of Guildford Borough Council wrote to The Guildford Dragon NEWS asking, in public, who I would be supporting in May’s county council election. I said then that I tended to vote for the person rather the colour.

Of course, past record and experience come to the fore and in the general election I shall vote for Anne Milton who has served the people of our constituency well.

I should not think many Dragon readers will be interested in this statement, but I believe in giving credit where it is due.

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Responses to Letter: For Those Interested, I Shall Vote for Anne Milton

  1. Peter Shaw Reply

    May 30, 2017 at 2:36 pm

    I’m not convinced by Anne Milton. Last election she stood on a headline manifesto promise to protect the green belt. Two years later, she has decided not to make the same promise. In those two years, she has not been vocal on the topic of green belt protection and has kept very quiet whilst the local council pushes through a Local Plan that will create urban sprawl along the A3 corridor from Guildford to the M25, something the green belt policy was supposed to stop.

    I will not forget how, on this matter, she has buried her head in the sand and not, in my opinion, represented her constituents. Although she may have done good in other areas, as the green belt issue is a huge issue for Guildford, I can’t forgive or forget this betrayal of her last election promise and I won’t be voting for her.

  2. Bernard Parke Reply

    May 31, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    We must not forget that our MP was successful in calling in the Dunsfold scheme.

    Peter Shaw is quite right the green belt must be preserved at all costs.

    Any building on the green belt will certainly not solve the overall problem of housing, especially in providing the elusive dream of the so-called “affordable” homes.

    Perhaps the question should be put to the other hopefuls. It would be interesting to have their reactions.

  3. George Potter Reply

    June 1, 2017 at 12:39 pm

    The Dunsfold scheme is for a brownfield site and, because it was called in and blocked, hundreds of homes are now being dumped on Cranleigh instead. I fail to see how obstructing the development on a brownfield site and forcing more houses to be built on green fields is an achievement of which anyone should be proud.

  4. Bernard Parke Reply

    June 1, 2017 at 2:56 pm

    Perhaps Mr Potter should take into consideration the A281?

    It would seem to me that development at Dunsfold or Cranleigh will put intolerable pressure on the infrastructure only adding to the problem of the sixth most congested town in the UK.

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