Fringe Box



Letter: Is a Music Festival Wise?

Published on: 26 Aug, 2021
Updated on: 26 Aug, 2021

From: Anthony Mallard

In response to:

Whilst I am sure that there are people who will be pleased that the Legends music festival is to be held in Stoke Park this weekend, it will I am sure see a further spike in COVID cases to add to those already high and growing numbers in Guildford.

A similar festival in Cornwall added an additional 1,000 cases in that area and doubtless spread the virus in many other communities from which the festival-goers travelled. It increased the risk to the local population and without doubt, added to the pressure on the stretched NHS resources.

Is it wise or premature to hold such large gatherings whilst control of the current strain, or “D variant”, of the virus, known to be much more infectious, exists?

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