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Letter: Is It Time For Independent Councillors?

Published on: 19 Jul, 2018
Updated on: 19 Jul, 2018

Cllr Bob McShee

From Bernard Parke

former Mayor of Guildford and hon alderman

In response to: Respected Worplesdon Councillor Deselected

It is sad to see such a hard-working councillor being deselected after many years of service to the people who elected him.

It seems even worse when no apparent reason for this action has been given.

Is it because the Conservative leadership cannot tolerate any form of dissent even from a councillor trying loyally to represent his constituents?

Perhaps it is worth recalling that the present prime minister once said that she feared the Conservative Party had become known as the “nasty party”.

Local elections issues are often at odds with national parties and, as we all know, that you cannot serve two masters.

Perhaps the time has come to reflect on the days back in the thirties when most local councillors stood as independents? Has the time now come to suggest that this approach be made in next years local elections?

I know that there are many people serving in local residents associations and other societies who would give sterling service to our local people.

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Responses to Letter: Is It Time For Independent Councillors?

  1. Jan Messinger Reply

    July 20, 2018 at 12:04 am

    I think we all agree with these comments. I would prefer that an Independent person doing the best for the area of the borough I live in was representing and reflecting the views of those of us who live here.

    Think very hard everyone, elections are very soon [May 2019]. Who do you want representing you in Guildford Borough Council for your area for the next four years?

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    July 20, 2018 at 8:14 am

    Hear, hear, I’m sure everyone cries.

  3. A Tatlow Reply

    July 20, 2018 at 9:56 am

    Yes! Local government is no place for party politics however aspiring the councillors. Nor are the Brexit negotiations come to that.

  4. Valerie Thompson Reply

    July 20, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    Yes, definitely. Come on, those regular protestors about GBC’s Conservative bullies and are young and energetic enough to stand as councillors, put yourselves forward for selection as Independents at the next elections, forget party politics and try working for the benefit of all.

  5. Carol Norris Reply

    July 20, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    Yes, yes, yes. Independent councillors.

  6. Robert Shatwell Reply

    July 21, 2018 at 9:20 am

    Councillors should always remember that they are the democratically elected representative of the residents. They can only fulfil that role if they have no other allegiances, in particular to a party whip or a council leader.

    The only way that can be achieved is for every councillor to be totally independent.

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