Fringe Box



Letter: Is Proposed Standard Livery For Guildford Taxis Necessary?

Published on: 25 Mar, 2015
Updated on: 25 Mar, 2015
From Alderman Bernard Parke

It  cannot be easy for Guildford’s licensed taxi drivers to make a living from their chosen occupation, especially when, like the rest of us, they suffer from the extreme traffic congestion within central Guildford.

emails letterThe idea of a uniform livery on their vehicles must appeal to certain members, but is it really necessary?

I remember a similar incident when I served on the licensing committee over twenty years ago, when taxi drivers were told that they must operate FX4s (London style taxis). A proposal which fell by the wayside on the question of cost and viability.

This proposal will add yet another burden on the council tax payer and it must be questioned if this is necessary, as the present system has worked now for decades.

Surely this is a further financial burden that we could do without when there are so many other pressing issues.

[Ed: Guildford Borough Council’s licensing committee, at its meeting on March 18, recommended to full council for approval on April 14:

1: A new livery for Hackney Carriages (taxis), stating: “The branding will help customers to easily identify licensed vehicles and improve security for vulnerable passengers, particularly at night.”

2: Drivers will have to complete an NVQ Level 2 qualification to include customer care, highways legislation and bye-laws, stating: “This will be free for existing drivers. New drivers must complete this training before they are licensed.”]

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