Fringe Box



Letter: The Issue of Road Safety Remains, Following Recent Accidents

Published on: 6 Jul, 2016
Updated on: 6 Jul, 2016

The scene of the crash soon after it happened.From Martin Elliott

The legal action against the driver involved in the North Street collisions, last October, will run its course but it reminds us of an issue all around this area of the Guildford town centre – the interactions of cars with vulnerable road users.

There have been a number of recent killed or seriously injured accidents, yet SCC/GBC refuses to make even temporary improvements. Permanent actions are excused on the grounds of the Local Plan, but how many years delay is there in that?

Some people were surprised that in this accident, the bollards at the edge of the pavement are virtually ornamental and were swept out of the way by the small car.

If they had been real bollards capable of taking the impact of a light van, the consequences of this accident would have been entirely different.

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