Helena Townsend
In response to: Council Leader Forced Me to Quit, Says Independent Candidate Lyon
The withdrawal of Julian Lyons as a borough council candidate is good news. We don’t need individuals like this creating a toxic environment Millmead and grinding development and progress to a halt, in a town already lagging behind.
These pressure groups and individuals need to be very careful. I doubt Savills want to be associated with their destructive acts.
I am delighted the Local Plan is about to be approved – we can now focus our attention on delivering it to provide much-needed housing.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Jules Cranwell
February 16, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Helena Townsend is deluding herself if she truly believes this plan will deliver any “much-needed housing”.
We need truly affordable social housing for key and low paid workers.
What this plan will deliver is thousands of executive homes in the countryside, to maximise the profits of developers.
Such truly affordable housing is required close to places of work, such as hospitals, not a commute away through the most congested roads in the UK, made even worse by the thousands of additional cars this plan will create.
And you can forget about the “requirement” to build 40%, so-called affordable homes. This does not happen in real life, as GBC has allowed a “get out of jail free card” to developers, as they can argue on the grounds of “financial viability”, to reduce the “affordable” provision to nothing.
Even in the unlikely event that some affordable units did get built, how affordable is 80% of market value to key local workers with real need? There is unlikely to be any houses built on Blackwell Farm or Wisley for less than £500,000. Is even £400,000 affordable to a nurse, firefighter, policeman, or refuse worker?
Alix Tatlow
February 16, 2019 at 6:20 pm
Helen Townsend should be aware that Guildford Borough extends a long way beyond Millmead and Guildford town.
Ben Paton
February 16, 2019 at 9:01 pm
It might be instructive to do an exercise in comparison and contrast.
Mr Lyon has lived in Guildford all his life. Cllr Spooner lives in Ash.
Mr Lyon has disclosed his professional background, what his qualifications are and the organisation that he works for. Does anyone know anything about Mr Spooner, his background, qualifications or employment?
It is not ideal that Mr Lyon works for a large real estate company. But he has disclosed this and states that he will not participate in GBC’s Planning Committee. On the other hand, he has demonstrably served the community and contributed considerable time in defence of the public interest.
Cllr Spooner only came into politics a few years ago and was initially returned unopposed because no one stood against him. What does Cllr Spooner stand for? What is his Conservative philosophy and who has scrutinised it?
Gordon Bridger
February 17, 2019 at 11:16 am
Julian Lyon has a long tradition of serving Guildford, brought up a local Primary School and living in Onslow Village I first recall him joining me many years ago on various issues and in particular his fight to retain the orchestra – a person of proven integrity and extraordinary energy and skills.
How many councillors are there or have been with direct personal interests in the town? Has Cllr Spooner asked any others about their interests? Has he questioned their integrity?
Lisa Wright
February 17, 2019 at 6:57 pm
As far as I’m aware, Local Plans do not guarantee that any sort of housing will be built.
It’s up to the developer when they build not the council.
Gillian Cameron
February 19, 2019 at 3:37 pm
Perhaps Helena Townsend should reflect why 16 out of 22 Guildford Borough wards requested Julian Lyon to stand for them. Such demand surely speaks volumes?
Many of those who know Julian are in awe of his knowledge, capacity for work and the time he is willing to devote to matters about which he cares.
The Borough and its council can ill afford to miss out on his expertise.