R4GV county councillor for The Horsleys
In response to: I Didn’t Run Away From Anything
I have to agree with Julie Iles that Mr Brewster’s comment is confusing: it’s not much good running away from a sinking ship is it? You would be better to jump off surely?
Seriously though, Ms Iles performed well over her four years as Horsley’s county councillor and I thank her.
Getting beaten happens to most politicians, whatever their performance deserves.
To correct her, however, when she stated that the single unitary Surrey authority will not move forward, for now it has been merely shelved, most likely due to the election.
Finally, her statement that “I didn’t run away from anything” is not entirely true as she slipped away from the election count an hour before the announcement of The Horsley’s result and so avoided the traditional concession of defeat and a handshake, or elbow tap.
Not so much running away perhaps as not facing the music?
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