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Letter: Just Planning to Review the Plan is Meaningless

Published on: 15 Apr, 2021
Updated on: 15 Apr, 2021

From: Helen Jefferies

Wisley Action Group Campaigner

The politicians have failed Guildford residents by failing to agree an immediate review of the Local Plan.

The current evidence base is poor at best and out of date on a number of issues, including the lack of A3 improvements in the plan period.

By the time the new evidence base is ready, the next borough election will have already taken place and the over-development of the borough key sites in the countryside and villages will have been lost forever. Planning to review the plan is meaningless and residents will rightfully feel let down.

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Responses to Letter: Just Planning to Review the Plan is Meaningless

  1. Lisa Wright Reply

    April 15, 2021 at 7:54 pm

    Planning to review the Local Plan reminds me of a Robbie Williams lyric “thinking about thinking” which is just about as useless as it gets.

    Do any of these councillors actually have proper jobs where you actually need to do stuff for the company to survive? If I spent my whole day planning to plan, thinking about thinking or spending all my companies money on consultants, we’d have gone bust a long time ago. It’s no wonder there’s no money left for anything else when every single decision is contracted out, even then, it’s usually a consultant who just toes the line.

    I do wish someone would take action. Perhaps councillors could have a debate about what they do and don’t like about the Plan before everyone, planning officers and expensive consultants start dabbling with it.

    There’s a huge amount of public feedback in the consultation phases if they are lost for a starting point.

  2. Harry Eve Reply

    April 15, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    The evidence base for the Local and Strategic Road Networks could have already been in place if the Conservatives had not put the promised SINTRAM7 model on the back-burner as soon the Local Plan was found to be legally “sound”.

    The Conservatives always wanted to avoid acknowledging the constraints needed for the Local Road Network and everyone in Guildford will suffer the consequences of their irresponsible planning agenda.

    That is just one reason why we need urgent change in the political balance in Surrey County Council.

  3. Jules Cranwell Reply

    April 16, 2021 at 8:08 am

    I could not agree more. We have been seriously let down by the Lib Dems and R4GV, both of which promised a review of the Local Plan to get elected.

    The council has a duty to review the Plan, but has blown the opportunity to do so.

    As to the sudden Tory volte-face on the plan, this can be ignored as cynical electioneering, having rushed through their plan in the dying days before their election defeat.

  4. Adam Aaronson Reply

    April 16, 2021 at 12:39 pm

    It looks as if they decided that they might consider a review of the process to consider whether the possibility of another review of the plan might be a good idea, at some point in the future.

    As someone who was expecting a sea change under which a firm decision would be taken to undertake a complete and thorough review and revision of the Local Plan, I wonder who stands to gain from guiding the council to procrastinate to a level that is tantamount to an abrogation of responsibility?

  5. Jules Cranwell Reply

    April 17, 2021 at 9:58 am

    I’m sorry, but the council has blown what is probably its last chance to review the much-despised Tory Local Plan.

    Any delay will be too late for the Horsleys, which needs a review now.

    We expected more from R4GV, given their election promises.

    I honestly cannot understand why they did not get behind GGG to make this happen.

    • John Perkins Reply

      April 18, 2021 at 9:17 am

      The reason is quite clear. The Liberal Democrat and Conservative parties held 26 seats – a majority in the 48-seat council. Even if Labour had joined with R4GV and the two Green parties (and they showed no inclination to do so) there still would not have been sufficient numbers to oppose them.

      It’s unfair to blame R4GV for the failure of the Liberal Democrats and their now-departed leader.

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