Fringe Box



Letter: Keep Politics Out Of Policing

Published on: 4 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 4 Nov, 2012

From Bernard Parke

Hon. Alderman

In  just under two weeks time we will be asked to vote for a Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner .

Few, if any, of the candidates are  known to us and there is little time for us to get to know them.

Voters will therefore be inclined to vote for their party labels regardless of their aptitude for the job in hand. This of course puts able independent candidates at a great disadvantage, as is often the case in local elections, for they have no party election machine to give them support.

No doubt many of us feel that the whole scheme is flawed as most of these people are untrained in the world of policing. A profession which has been finely honed since the day of “The Peelers.”

I say, “Keep politics out of policing!”


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