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Letter: Keeping Wisley Airfield in the Local Plan Would Be Unacceptable

Published on: 4 Apr, 2017
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2017

From Colin Cross

Lib Dem borough councillor for Lovelace ward

Given the unanimous decision of Guildford Borough Council’s (GBC) non-partisan Planning Committee against this application and the fact that GBC are preparing a robust defence of this decision at the appeal hearing, surely the former Wisley airfield will be dropped from the latest draft of the Local Plan, due next week?

If not, we have to ask, what are GBC playing at?

Certainly the GBC versions of Spoonerisms are less funny than the Dickens originals.

The probability is that around three rural wards in the NE of Guildford Borough, with currently 10% of its population, will be forced to take 50% of the new build homes in the borough. Frankly, this is totally unrealistic, unjustified and wholly unacceptable.

Come April 10 we will hear the revised plans and then we can decide who to vote for come May 4. There’s a choice as only one party, the Conservatives, will be reneging on its promise to protect our green belt.

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