Fringe Box



Letter: Larger and Smaller Bus Companies Cannot Be Compared

Published on: 18 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 18 Nov, 2018

From Harry James

In response to: Stagecoach and Arriva’s Guildford ‘Bus War’ Leaves Safeguard Feeling The Pinch

Between Park Barn and the town there are hardly any road works, major traffic issues or road closures, and with a small fleet of buses, maintenance is easier.

Whereas the larger companies run more and longer routes with more traffic congestion, more road closures and more chance of breakdowns.

You can’t compare the two sides. The operation size is completely different, with a lot more aspects in play with the larger companies! Bellfields get a lower rated bus fare all round with Arriva. Most of the smaller company drivers are former larger company drivers.

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Responses to Letter: Larger and Smaller Bus Companies Cannot Be Compared

  1. Brian Holt Reply

    November 18, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    In reply to Harry James comment above, yes Safeguard have a small fleet of buses, but also that have a large fleet of coaches both in name of Safeguard and Farnham Coaches to maintain, which do far more mileage than Arriva buses.

    It’s all about good regular inspections and maintenance that keep the vehicles running, this is down to good fitters and the person in charge.

    If larger bus companies are dealing with regular breakdowns it’s mostly due to poor maintenance and servicing.

    Safeguard in total have about the same number of vehicles to maintain as the Guildford Arriva bus depot, so they have no advantage except still being a family run company.

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