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Letter: Lead Councillor Should Be Held to Account

Published on: 14 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 14 Jun, 2017

From Sara Tokunaga

See: Guildford Alderman Raises Park & Ride Concerns

Surely Cllr Furniss should be held to account for declining to comment on this fiasco and waste of tax payers’ money that is the Onslow Park & Ride.

As lead councillor for infrastructure (what a grand title) he should consider it his duty to respond to the people who have given him the stepping stone to this exalted position.

If he is unable to do so then he should step aside and let someone else be lead councillor for infrastructure.

I won’t be holding my breath.

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Responses to Letter: Lead Councillor Should Be Held to Account

  1. George Potter Reply

    June 14, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    To be fair to Mr Furniss, I’m sure he must be very busy on account of his multiple jobs: he’s a borough councillor for a town centre ward, a county councillor for a collection of villages outside the town and a “lead councillor” in the borough council Executive to boot.

    Under the circumstances, I think it’s quite easy to see why he might be struggling to work out which group of members of the public to ignore first!

  2. Steve Smith Reply

    June 30, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    Why not simply introduce a pay on exit system to monetise those that are currently parking for free?

  3. Martin Elliott Reply

    July 1, 2017 at 1:25 pm

    If I recall correctly from previous discussions the lease of the plot to GBC is that it is only used for Park & Ride. Allowing other parking, or not taking adequate measures to prevent it breaches that lease condition.

  4. Fiona White Reply

    July 1, 2017 at 4:32 pm

    In response to Steve Smith, I understand that the council are working to instal a pay on exit system for people who have not used the Park & Ride bus service. That will mean that everyone who uses the parking will contribute towards the cost of the provision.

    When the original plans were put forward for the Park & Ride, I suggested that the best way of making it work effectively would be to have a direct access from the A3 which would encourage more people onto the site. It would also have the benefit of removing some of the congestion onto local roads off the A3. Unfortunately, that suggestion was not taken up but I still hope that sooner or later it will be recognised that if the site is to fulfil its original purpose of taking vehicles off the road going into the town centre, an access from the A3 is essential.

    Fiona White is the Lib Dem county councillor for Guildford West.

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