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Letter: Let’s Abolish Council Tax

Published on: 24 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 24 Feb, 2013

Council Tax LetterFrom Bernard Parke

Honorary Alderman

Despite this coalition government’s statement on council tax, our Conservative county councillors have voted to increase this unfair tax again this year by a further 1.99% and our borough councillors by 1.9%.

This tax particularly hits householders of lower- and medium-classed properties more so than the better off residents who reside in higher priced properties.

Indeed, there are more than 1,000 homes in Guildford let to students who do not have to pay any council tax, neither do their landlords. This, even though such properties put an above normal pressure on local services.

The question must be asked: why should we vote for local councillors if they can not follow their own political party’s guidelines?

Without such party support at election time they would not be councillors at all.

In fact, I cannot understand why the council tax is not abolished altogether and  local government financed on the much broader based rate support grant.

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