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Letter: Lions Say Thanks As Firework Fiesta Raises £40k

Published on: 20 Nov, 2021
Updated on: 20 Nov, 2021

From Eric James, Guildford Lions Club

When we first realised that the pandemic meant we needed to move away from our tried and tested format [for our annual Firework Fiesta] it was undoubtedly a huge step into the unknown.

To say we were on a steep learning curve is an understatement and certainly the journey was eventful and challenging but ultimately extremely rewarding.

I am delighted to confirm the evening was a major success raising slightly in excess of £40,000 which is a Guildford Lions Club record for a single fundraising event.

Thank you so much for your support without which we would not have been able to stage the event and to be in this wonderful position to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Every penny of this amount will now be used to support those in need within our local community over the coming months.

Given this was our first event of this type [since the pandemic], we did not get everything quite right and there are things which could be improved upon.

As we always do, we will look to learn lessons for this and other future events so we would welcome any observations you may have which we can include in our review of the event.

Thank you again  for your support which we really do value.

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