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Letter: Local Voices Need To Be Represented By Those Elected

Published on: 7 Sep, 2018
Updated on: 7 Sep, 2018

From Jenny Procter

In response to: Hundreds of Town Centre Building Approvals Have Been Given

Why are councillors so ready to accept a planning situation which completely negates the objectives it supposedly supports, ie providing affordable housing for the many who need it, instead of standing up to be counted in serving the communities that elected them.

Why do they not demand of government that they honour promises and make development possible where it is needed at prices people can afford. It is a nonsense to give credence to a system which refuses to invest in the fundamental needs of our society, bases its predicted numbers on dubious statistics, aims to destroy our countryside, does nothing to alleviate need and everything to support already inflated developer profits and put millions in the pockets of landowners.

Any self-respecting local representative should think long and hard about how best it is to serve and of the consequences of the votes they give in council to decisions which fundamentally affect all our immediate and long-term futures. Local voices can be heard and truly make a difference but only if we have the support of those we elect to represent us.

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Responses to Letter: Local Voices Need To Be Represented By Those Elected

  1. Paul Robinson Reply

    September 7, 2018 at 4:59 pm

    After reading about all the Conservative group shenanigans in The Dragon, in the next borough elections I will be voting for an Independent candidate, if possible.

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