Fringe Box



Letter: London Road Consultation Must Not Be a Box-ticking Exercise

Published on: 7 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2023

From: Moira Brown

In response to: What Next for the London Road Cycle Scheme?

It is to be hoped, unlike previously, that the strength of public feeling on this matter will be taken into serious consideration. Also, the practicalities of such a lengthy set of potential roadworks now that three schemes have been merged into one with other major developments taking place in Burpham around the same time.

It seems obvious that parking in the bays alongside Stoke Park will be discontinued and quite possibly several mature trees which may also be in the way will have to go.

Can we assume that sufficient research into the impact of a Dutch roundabout has been made and the accident statistics of similar schemes realistically and truthfully appraised?

Such a major change to driving practices could cause more accidents (and therefore create congestion and pollution). There was a reason why the code at roundabouts required one to “give way to traffic coming from the right” – so everyone knew what to do! It’s not easy to take account of movements from two different directions at the same time and it will be too late to be wise after the event.

Will there be any penalty for cyclists who choose to travel on the carriageway rather than the new cycle lanes where they may (shock/horror) be held up by slower cyclists? What is so wrong with simply improving the existing cycle lanes and improving public transport?

Changes in habits take time and such schemes must take into account those who are unable to walk or cycle, service providers and out-of-town delivery vehicles.

We rely on our local councillors to represent our views and I would ask them to ensure that the process of consultation is not just a box-ticking exercise with no actual influence on the outcome.

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