Fringe Box



Letter: Ours Is A ‘Too Long, Didn’t Read’ Society

Published on: 31 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 31 Jan, 2017

From Jack Dawson

In response to: The Dragon Says: Newspaper Redundancies Should Concern Us All

Ours is a “TLDR” (too long, didn’t read) society and the problem isn’t local it’s global. People do not want thought provoking articles or opinion, they want their own prejudices to be reinforced, hence the reliance on social media.

I can’t remember the last time that it even occurred to me to advertise in the Surrey Ad, it’s far more effective to advertise on-line. Take the Experience Guildford app for example, packed with easily redeemed offers, prompts, calls to action and up to date information…and it’s free.

Keep fighting the good fight Guildford Dragon, but there’s only one winner in this battle and it isn’t traditional media.

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