Fringe Box



Letter: What a Lovely Surprise…!

Published on: 13 Dec, 2016
Updated on: 13 Dec, 2016

From Ray Foulkes (circled)

See also: Reunion Of Former Jeffery’s Sports And Gun Shop Staff Sparks A Bit Of History

Wow what a lovely surprise to find a photograph of the Jeffery’s sports shop and my colleagues.

I joined straight from school working under Walter Brookes in the gun department.

In addition to your article we had a gun butt where customers could, under supervision, test fire a variety of the guns on sale. This test site ran along side the garden wall close to the multi storey car park!

The shop was amazing, the stock levels unsurpassed, as was the level of support to customers be they a small lad wanting his first pair of football boots to the gent buying a Purdey, the Rolls Royce of guns.

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Responses to Letter: What a Lovely Surprise…!

  1. Colin Mills Reply

    December 13, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    School days remembered: What became of Steve Perry?

    In the 1950s I attended Stoke School in Markenfield Road, one of my classmates was Douglas Downes, a talented lad who could sing and dance. He even did a ventriloquist act and had appeared in a West End show.

    In 1960 on leaving school he became a professional singer under the name Steve Perry and made the lower reaches of the hit parade with a song called Step by Step. He seemed to disappear after that, although I believe it was mooted that he moved to the USA to further his career.

    Do any other readers remember Douglas or Steve? What became of them?

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